Monday, June 23, 2008

Rational Test Manager

Rational TestManager is the central console for
- test activity management,
- execution
- reporting

It supports everything from manual test approaches to various automated paradigms including unit testing, functional regression testing, and performance testing. It lets testers know immediately when a requirement has changed that impacts test cases, and improves team productivity by making test results and progress toward goals immediately available to all team members.

Rational TestManager can be accessed by all members of a project team, ensuring the high visibility of test coverage information, defect trends, and application readiness. Rational TestManager is freely available to all users of IBM Rational® Functional Tester, Rational Manual Tester and IBM Rational® Robot. And because of its value to development teams, it is also included in the IBM Rational® Team Unifying Platform.


Support for all test types: Plan, manage and execute functional, performance, manual, integration, regression, configuration and component testing from the same interface. Gives QA leads, project managers and business analysts a comprehensive view into all of the test activities and test results for the application.

Customizable test management: Open APIs in Rational TestManager let users build support for new test inputs (e.g. system requirements from a third-party tool) and test types (e.g. home-grown unit tests).

Support for local and remote test execution: Run tests on the local machine or on remote machines in the test lab. Parallel test execution is limited only by the number of system resources at your disposal.

Establish and manage traceability: Requirements are linked to test cases, ensuring proper test coverage. In addition, suspicion analysis ensures that when requirements change, test cases traced to the requirement are automatically flagged as possible candidates for modification.

Detailed test evaluation: An integrated log viewer constructs a log for each test run, including test status, environmental information and additional informational tags such as runtime analysis information gathered by Rational PurifyPlus.

Generate meaningful reports: Rational TestManager includes a series of predefined graphical and textual reports capturing the crucial aspects of application quality and test completeness. Special reports exist for performance test analysis, including correlation reports combining response times with resource utilization metrics from remote machines. TestManager also ships with a flexible reporting engine enabling the creation of custom reports required by your organization's internal development processes. New report templates we find useful for our customers are periodically posted to the Rational domain of the IBM developerWorks® website for public consumption.

Deep integration with Rational's Team Unifying Platform tools: Out-of-the-box integration with Rational RequisitePro ensures seamless traceability between requirements and test cases, resulting in clear test coverage metrics and sensitivity to requirement modification. Out-of-the-box integration with Rational ClearQuest enables in-context defect submission directly from the TestManager Log Viewer, automatically porting test run data into the defect report to ensure accuracy. Out-of-the-box integration with Rational ClearCase LT delivers full baselining capabilities to accommodate the natural evolution of a project, moving from one build or release to the next.


Rational Robot

IBM Rational Robot can be used to automate regression, functional and configuration testing for e-commerce, client/server and ERP applications. It's used to test applications based upon a wide variety of user interface technologies such as – Java, VS.NET, Windows and PB.

It integrates with Rational Test Manger to provide the user with options of Test Planning and Management along with remote execution of the automated test scripts.


Simplifies configuration testing - Rational Robot can be used to distribute functional testing among many machines, each one configured differently. The same functional tests can be run simultaneously, shortening the time to identify problems with specific configurations.

Tests many types of applications - Rational Robot supports a wide range of environments and languages, including HTML and DHTML, Java™, VS.NET, Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual C++, Oracle Developer/2000, PeopleSoft, Sybase PowerBuilder and Borland Delphi. For advanced testing of Java. VS.NET and Web-based applications, as well as of 3270 (zSeries™) and 5250 (iSeries™) terminal-based applications, see IBM Rational Functional Tester.

Ensures testing depth - Tests beyond an application's UI to the hundreds of properties of an application's component objects - such as ActiveX Controls, OCXs, Java applets and many more - with just the click of a mouse.

Tests custom controls and objects - Rational Robot allows you to test each application component under varying conditions and provides test cases for menus, lists, alphanumeric characters, bitmaps and many more objects.

Provides an integrated programming environment - Rational Robot generates test scripts in SQABasic, an integrated MDI scripting environment that allows you to view and edit your test script while you are recording.

Helps you analyze problems quickly - Rational Robot automatically logs test results into the integrated Rational Repository, and color codes them for quick visual analysis. By double-clicking on an entry, you are brought directly to the corresponding line in your test script, thereby ensuring fast analysis and correction of test script errors.
Enables reuse - Rational Robot ensures that the same test script, without any modification, can be reused to test an application running on Microsoft Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows NT.


Rational SOA Performance Tester

IBM Rational Performance Tester Extension for SOA Quality is forperformance engineers who need to perform load and performance testing of Web services. It extends IBM Rational Tester for SOA and IBM Rational Performance Tester software to perform load and performance testingagainst SOA applications.Validate system scalability Rational Performance Tester Extensionfor SOA Quality provides flexible workload modeling, enabling automatedgeneration of Web service test client and Web service performance tests. This modeling helps ensure that the performance test accurately mirrors the user base, including different groups of service consumers, as well as the activities and usage patterns of each of the groups. Through the modeling exercises, the software can then provide more effective real-world scenarios and help to ensure system uptime. Finding bottlenecks—root-cause analysis and problem determination If you’re working with an SOA, your composite applications are even more complex, and the response time is even more important and must be understood, along with the interactions among services.

Flexible test customization through Java code insertionIf you want to perform very complex tests, you can, using RationalPerformance Tester Extension for SOA Quality. The software enablesyou to add Java code instead of using the graphical editor to defineand execute very complex and unique tests. With the Java code insertionability, you have the flexible test customization needed to perform advanced data analysis and request parsing.

Rational SOA Quality Tester

IBM Rational Tester for SOA Quality software is for developers and quality assurance professionals who need to create, comprehend, modify and execute both functional and regression tests of GUI-less services.
Automated generation of Web service test client
The automated generation of Web service test client feature allows you to look at the Web service and automatically generate it so that you can interact with the Web service, even though it does not have a GUI.

Rational Tester for SOA Quality uses the Web Services Explorer tool from the Eclipse project to retrieve the description of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and then generate a Web page, so that you can call any action of the Web service under test, review or analysis. Using the WSDL file and the Web Services Explorer, you can easily interact with the Web service or services.

Automated data correlation and datadriven testing through a code-free test environment
Every time we’re on the Internet, session IDs are used to identify us. Some Web services use the same approach, i.e., they use unique IDs to identify a transaction. Because Rational Tester for SOA Quality accommodates and plans for this, no coding or editing is required as part of the record and playback. Rational Tester for SOA Quality automatically recognizes and tracks the unique (i.e., variable) IDs as
assigned during the playback session.

The Rational software also provides the data correlation to understand where the appropriate unique ID is needed within and for each Web service.
As part of validation, you need to run the same tests in the same sequences with different data to help ensure that the service can withstand what real users may throw at it. This data could be in a database, Microsoft® Excel file, etc.

In essence this is the same test with different data, such as trying different variables and types of input (e.g., very short/long names, numbers/symbols instead of letters). Rational Tester for SOA Quality automatically detects data entered during test recording and prepares
the test for data-driven testing, without requiring any manual coding.

Automated test creation from WS-BPEL resources
In addition to orchestrating the sequence of Web services, Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) can model Web services and define how they will interact.

Rational Tester for SOA Quality can automatically generate tests based on
the WS-BPEL sequences and states identified. Instead of generating random
tests for validating your Web services, Rational Tester for SOA Quality
leverages the modeling work you have already done, and automatically
generates test cases based on your WS-BPEL and WSDL input.

Regression testing
Rational Tester for SOA Quality allows you to set baselines to automatically compare when running tests, and the software returns with a pass/fail grade to quickly analyze the quality status (e.g., improvement, regression).
Rational Tester for SOA Quality can tell you the test log details—for instance, what field is different—which helps to identify whether there is a concern, and enables you to address and resolve the problem faster.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rational ClearQuest Test Manager

Rational ClearQuest Test Manager is a feature that manages the components of a testing environment:

  • Test plans
  • Test cases
  • Test requirements
  • Test configurations
  • Test scripts
  • Test results

Test plans identify test cases, which represent the ways in which users are likely to use the product. Test scripts are written to ensure that the requirements for the test cases are met. The results returned when the test scripts run are evaluated to determine project status, in particular, the progress toward completing the work represented by the next milestone in the project. The hierarchical relationship between these files, documents, and data is represented by records in a Rational ClearQuest database. The records in the database are organized in a test planning hierarchy.

Rational ClearQuest Test Manager supports following phases of testing:

  • Planning

The asset registry record is created first: test plan, test case, and configured test case records are then created to support the planning hierarchy.

  • Authoring

Test scripts are created and associated with test case and configured test case records.

  • Execution

Configured test case or test suite records are executed and then test results are reviewed; If useful, the results are committed to the Rational ClearQuest database to create test log and suite log records.

  • Analysis

Rational ClearQuest Test Manager provides queries, charts, and reports for tracking test assets. Also, user can write his own queries, charts, and reports for custom reporting.

Rational ClearQuest Test Manager comes with four clients, which provide user with some supported tasks:

Rational ClearQuest for Windows client:

  • Test planning
  • Analyzing test results

Rational ClearQuest Web client:

  • Test planning
  • Analyzing test results

Rational ClearQuest Client:

  • Test planning
  • Creating file associations for implemented test scripts and motivator files
  • Executing test scripts (Rational Manual Tester only)
  • Reviewing test results
  • Committing of test results
  • Analyzing committed test results

Rational ClearQuest Client for Eclipse:

  • Test planning
  • Creating file associations for implemented test scripts and motivator files
  • Executing test scripts
  • Reviewing test results
  • Committing test results
  • Analyzing committed test results

For more information visit:

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Basic of Rational Performance Tester

Rational Performance Tester is a performance test creation, execution and analysis tool for validating the scalability and reliability of Web-based applications. It combines a simple-to-use test recorder with advanced scheduling, real-time reporting, automated data variation and a highly scalable execution engine to ensure applications are prepared to handle large user loads. Rational Performance Tester is one of the leading Performance Testing tools today. The primary features of it are:
- Multi-user performance testing for Web-based applications
- Visual editor delivering both high-level and detailed test views
- Flexible modeling and emulation of diverse user populations
- Low memory and processor footprint, enabling large multi-user tests with limited hardware resources
- Real-time reporting to enable immediate recognition of performance problems
- Automatic identification of and support for dynamic server responses
- Automated test data variation
- Dynamic variation of user load during the test
- Collection and visualization of server resource data Highlights
- Browser-like display of each Web page within a test
- Permits custom Java code insertion Java code insertion for flexible test customization
- Windows and Linux-hosted test execution

Protocol Supported:
- Socket
- Siebel
- Citrix

Platform Supported:
Rational Performance Tester
Windows XP, 2000, 2003 and Vista
Rational Performance Tester Agent
Windows XP, 2000, 2003 and Vista
Linux, UNIX, AIX

Components of Rational Performance Tester
Proxy Recorder
Report Generation Engine
Test Schedule
Execution Engine

Basic of IBM Rational Manual Tester

IBM Rational Manual Tester is a manual test authoring and execution tool. This tool promotes test step reuse to help reduce the impact of software changes on testers and business analysts. It adds control and organization to any manual testing process, improving the efficiency and speed of efforts to measure application quality.

- Enables manual test creation, execution and control
- Provides a test step reuse palette to enable sharing of content across multiple tests
- Offers assisted data entry and data verification during test execution to reduce human error
- Features a rich text editor supporting image and document attachment to individual test steps
- Offers multiple test result types and customizable data fields to
personalize results collection and simplify analysis
- Imports preexisting Microsoft Word or Excel file-based manual tests
- Generates spreadsheet-ready results data for advanced reporting and analysis
- Supports usage by distributed teams

Platform Supported:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows NT service pack 4

Rational Functional Tester - Basic course

Rational Functional Tester is an object-oriented functional and regression testing tool that tests Java, HTML, VB.NET, Flex, Siebel, SAP and Windows applications. RFT lets you record reliable and robust scripts that can be played back to validate new builds of a test application. It also empowers user with object oriented languages – Java and Visual Studio .NET, which helps user in creating more controlled robust scripts.

It is available in two integrated development environments and supports two scripting languages

• Java Scripting uses the Java language and the IBM Rational Software Development Platform
• VB.NET Scripting uses the VB.NET language and the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development environment


• It works on all major Windows and Linux operating systems including VISTA.

• It keeps the objects in a hierarchy under Object Map.

• It has Data, Property and Image Verification Points.

• It supports Data Driven Testing.

• It has features such as Script Assure, which helps user to control the scripts with changing AUT.

• Integrates with other Rational Products such as Clear Case, Test Manager and Clear Quest Test Manager.

• Most importantly it gives user an added support of a strong and intelligent platform of Eclipse/Visual Studio based editors to create reliable scripts.

Platform Supported:
• Windows XP Professional SP2
• Windows 2000 Professional SP4
• Windows 2000 Server SP4
• Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4
• Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition SP1
• Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition SP1
• Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition SP2
• Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition SP2
• Windows Vista Business Edition
• Windows Vista Enterprise Edition
• Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 4.0
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 4.0 Update 5
• Red Hat Desktop 4.0
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0 SP1
• SLED10
• SLED10 SP 1

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Basic Course offerred in market today

1. Manual Testing
- Software Testing fundamentals
- Introduction to Software Testing and testing types
- Software development life cycle and Models
- Software Testing Life Cycle
- Test Plan designing and Test Strategies
- Design test cases and Execution
- Defect Life Cycle
- SQA and CMM

2. IBM Rational Manual Tester – Basic Course
- Manual Tester and Manual Testing process
- Creating Test Scripts
- Executing Manual Test and Reporting Test data
- Designing test scripts for reuse
- Reusing test contents
- Migration Planning

3. IBM Rational Functional Tester for Java – Basic Course
- Introduction to Rational Functional Tester
- Recording Script
- Playing back scripts and viewing results
- Extending scripts
- Using Test Object Map
- Managing Object recognition
- Data Driven Testing

4. IBM Rational Functional Tester for .NET – Basic Course
- Introduction to Rational Functional Tester
- Recording Script
- Playing back scripts and viewing results
- Extending scripts
- Using Test Object Map
- Managing Object recognition
- Data Driven Testing

5. IBM Rational Performance Tester – Basic Course
- Performance Testing Overview
- Training application introduction
- Rational Performance Tester introduction
- Creating Test
- Managing Test Data

6. IBM Rational Robot – Basic Course
- Introduction to Robot
- Developing automated test scripts
- Verification Point
- Executing automated scripts
- Data Driven Testing

7. IBM Rational ClearQuest – Basic Course
- Change Management
- Submitting change records
- Queries and Reports
- Reporting with chart

8. IBM Rational ClearCase – Basic Course
- Introduction to ClearCase
- Working with Files
- Managing
- Working with elements
- Working with Snapshot view
- Configuring work space
- Clear Case Metadata
- Creating Reports

9. IBM Rational CleareQuest Test Manager – Basic Course
- Test Management
- Introduction to ClearQuest Test Manager
- ClearQuest Clients
- Developing Schema
- Test project configuration
- Creating Test Plan
- Creating Test cases
- Creating Test Suite
- Execution
- Import Test Results
- Test Analysis

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